In car accidents mostly, it is the face that commonly sustains injuries that is why facial injury settlements are common as well. You can sustain facial injuries in situations like being hit by a piece of glass from a shattered window, by coming in close contact with your car's air bag or steering wheel, or many other ways in an accident. Engaging in sports, accidental falls, and fighting can cause facial injuries as well. A facial injury includes damage to any part of your face like the eyes, mouth, cheekbones, tongue, teeth, and nose. Even blindness can be caused by severe facial injuries.
One permanent result of facial injuries is scarring. Scars are dried marks from wounds on the face. Facial scarring may be caused by the injury itself or by related surgery during the treatment of the injury. For both children and adult, scars resulting from accidents may be traumatizing because they may live with the scars for a lifetime, be the object of ridicule by other people, have trouble being accepted in different institutions (educational, workplace, etc.), have to undergo future painful surgeries, and/or face emotional trauma associated with scars.
However, medical expenses associated with facial treatments, operations, and surgeries due to injuries can be extremely expensive. Who would want to spend so much from something he was not actually responsible for doing$%: So it is important to record and document any injury that involves your face especially if it is a result of an accident caused by another person's negligence. It is well within your right to sue for damages as a result of someone's negligence. Also, at the earliest possible moment after the injury, contact an appropriate lawyer who can help you file a case and get a personal injury settlement right away.
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